Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Day of 2013

Today is the Last Day of 2013, and tmr will be 2014!
Hope everyone had done all the things that wanted to do this year, and leave no regret!

This year, I had improved from "chipped paintings" to "smooth paintings" for my Plamo.
2014, I will do even more Plamo, do more experiments, and improve more in painting skills.

(Btw) I ordered some tools from Hobbysearch last week. Coming in 2014. Haha
Will have a post about the tools I ordered when it arrives.

Happy New Year 2014!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sanding... Sanding... YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP02

Few days passed, so what I had done?
Basically... the title said everything...
Sand... Sand... and keep on sanding...
I don't know whether the problem is the quality of the plastic or not...
As there are sink marks on almost all the parts!
Anyway, let's look at the photos..
Lost one the purple part.... Have to clone it out using epoxy putty..

Sunday, December 22, 2013

YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP01

So basically what I did today:
1. Sort out those that need to be cemented
2. Find out those defective parts, eg. sink marks.
3. Rough sanding for all parts
All around my table..
Can you notice the portion that did not get sanded? That's the sink mark.
To deal with it, I will either sand more (if it is shallow), or use putty to fill it (if it is deep).
I had just bought for dealing with those Sink Marks. 
I'm actually thinking that should I have buy the Mr Surfacer 500, because grey is a better colour to identify those defects.

The next WIP might be updating on the Monday, as tmr I maybe going out with my family. (It's Sunday!) 

Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 20, 2013


~MG GAT-X103 バスターガンダム

  • Ninth Airbrushed Plamo.
Just one more shot before I proceed further for sanding.
Shooting Form!

It's break!

Finally it's my School Break! Finally I have something to update!
I know that apology won't help anything, so I will be trying to do as fast as possible to upload all my outdated stuffs.

Oh. By the way, I started a new Plamo.
It's YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE! From Frame Arms Series by Kotobukiya.
Official URL - http://fa.kotobukiya.co.jp/

Comparison of the two heads
The basic form, Baselard completed!
Comparison of height with Gunpla, Though it's 1/100, it is a bit shorter than Red Frame.
It's setting height is 17m while Red Frame is 17.5m.
With the extended arms and two new weapons equiped, it's now called Zelfikar!

This is my first Frame Arms model. Been wanted to try it out a long time ago.
This is just an straight build. More WIP update will be coming!

MG Buster and HG Blue Astray SP ver. photos will be coming up soon too!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Finally... an update..

It's been a long time since my last update..
There are a lot of stuffs happening in the past few weeks.
E.G. like school starts... Having training in school for my course competition, Event like AFASG...
Really, I didn't touch up with Models for a quite a period of time.
Bought an HG Blue Astray Second L and Valvrave I HITO during AFASG. Both are limited edition, which means they are plated.
It's so difficult to replicate the pose! As the Tactical Arm is too Heavy!

Anyway, I built the HG Blue Astray Second L yesterday night. Enjoyed building it.
More photos and reviews will be updating soon! (Trying my best!)

Updating soon!!! 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


Maybe some of you had noticed the changes.. But I will be writing in this post still!
After a long period of time, finally the "Figure" page is out! Hurray!!
And Four of my Collections is up!! More coming!!

"Plamo" page had simplified, so that it will be easier for all! (For me too..)

Some changes in image sizes in the old posts.

That's all!


~PLUM 1/7 四糸乃~


~アルター 1/8 千石撫子~

Phat! 1/8 MERURU

~Phat! 1/8 メルル~


~コトブキヤ(4-Leaves) 1/7 御坂美琴 -ビーチサイド-~

Without Board

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Last day

So fast, one week had passed. Today is the last day of SG GBWC 2013!!
Will be going back to collect my Blitz back home. Of course, also to know who is the Champion for SG this year!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Doing Next

I'm sorry that I could have a time for update..
I brought my MG Blitz down to the GBWC SG last Friday. Obviously, there are large sized diorama entries and small model-only entries. For more info, go to this post!

And I have decided to join the Hobbylink Japan lastest event, "Playing With Plamo Modeling Competition 2013". I chose MG Red Astray as my Base Model. WIP will be trackable at Hobbylink

SG GBWC 2013

These are photos took by using my phone, Xperion (Xperia Z).
I think that the quality of the photos are sufficient for normal viewing.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Quick Update.

Just a few hours ago, I received an email about my entry for SG GBWC 2013. Yeap, it's shortlisted for final and I will be able to bring it down to the event area for showcase.
However, I did not get surprised by this news. Maybe there are not a lot of Gunpla Modelers in SG, it seems like as long as you sent the photos, you will get shortlisted. 

Anyway, I'm still happy to be able to have my work in a public area and showing it to everyone at there.

If you are from SG and reading this post now, hope you will give a look at my work during the event.


It's Over~

It's already 3 days after the SG GBWC 2013 deadline. As expected, I can't finish my Nu-Gundam for the entry. In the end, I used my MG Blitz Gundam as my entry.
It's a bit sad that I can't use my Nu-Gundam for entry.

Just a simple pose for it. Anyway, it's not for winning. 
Just wanted to share my work with everyone.

Of course, my Nu-Gundam is not going to stop progressing. But the working speed will be slower down, as I will be doing some small Plamo along the way.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013



Had redesigned the blog today!
I changed the background theme to black and some minor changes in pages.
Do you prefer this or the previous one?

Anyway, one of my three Exams is down!! (O_O!) Left TWO!!
Now, I'm having a strong feeling of having not enough time. Had to study and have to do my GBWC submission. Will try.... Will do my best!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Current State.


I'm sorry that I had left this blog quite a period of time. Due to my school exams (still a student) are coming in just a few days, I had to spend more time in studying.
Of course, I'm not studying the whole day (not a hardworking student). I took out some time for my modeling (Stress relieve?).
And now, this is my current state.

MG Nu Gundam Ver. KA.
This will be my submission for SG GBWC 2013. Though I hope I could make it on time, as the deadline is just a few weeks later. No choice, I have to give up some in-depth modifications.

I will try to update as much and as quick as possible in the future.
Hope the time you spent in this blog is worth.


Saturday, August 17, 2013


MG GAT-X207 ブリッツガンダム

  • Eighth Airbrushed Plamo.

Purple - Pearl Purple (Pearl Red + Pearl Blue)
Red - Metallic Red (Clear Red over Silver)
White - Pearl White
Yellow - Orange Yellow
Black - (Midnight Blue + a bit White)
Grey - Kit Colour (Matt Coat only)
Panel Lines on Black parts - Metallic Blue (Enamel)
Panel Lines on Grey - German Grey (Enamel)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Hello World!

First, apology. It's been a period of time since my last update.
Having some difficulty in study, so time for modelling has been taken away half.
Though taking a longer period of time, I had finally finished this Plamo!!
Complete model will be updating soon! 

Found this method quicker for can spray.

Pearl Color!

Metallic Color!

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Third and First.

Hello World!

Soo Fast, this is already the third week!
Today, I have to apologise to anyone of you who is reading this post, because I didn't have any update this week.
As so, I think I will cancel the update day I set, which is every Saturday.
From now on, I will update anytime when I could.
It is will also be an advantage as I will not be updating outdated stuffs.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

Second Contact!

Hello World!

This is my second time updating this blog. I don't know how many people had came to look around, or maybe zero.
Anyway, I had updated my old works with photos that are taken again. You may see that the background of the photos is different from my Duel AS and AGE2, this is because I think that black background are difficult in taking Black coloured Plamo such as Blitz or Banshee.
Thought of using white colour, but any dirts or damages can be spotted easily. So, I decided to use blue as my new background.

My three Transformable MS!

I don't know how was my photos will look in your eyes, so if you had any suggestion in shooting angle, posing, etc. Please leave a comment!!

*You may notice why is there some small black spots on the corner of the photos. It's because my camera's sensor is not clean. I tried to clean it, but it just don't go. Hope you won't mind.

Thank you!!

MG RX-78-2 GUNDAM Ver. Ka

~MG RX-78-2 ガンダム Ver.Ka~

  • No painting done, only panel lining.
  • Some weathering. (Testing)
Works done in 2013,
  • Can sprayed Matt Coat.
  • Retook the photos again.


~HG MSN-001A1 デルタプラス インナースペースクリア Ver.~

Bought this with the Banshee Clear Ver. during the movie screening in SG.
Loses to my laziness, didn't spray Gloss Coating on it, only sanded those nubs.

So.. Enjoy the photos


~HG AGE-1 ガンダムAGE-1 ノーマル フルカラー メッキ Ver.~

Bought this during Gundam Expo SG 2011. I like this Plamo because it's very poseable.
Played with the silver parts of the foil sticker, you can see the different at its feet.
One disadvantage of Plated Plamo is that you could not get rid of the nubs. Because if you sand it, the Plated Coating will be sand down too.

Anyway, limited edition (especially Plated kits) are mainly used for self-collection only. As long as I'm happy with it, that's enough. 


~HG ZGMF-X20A ストライクフリーダムガンダム Ver. GFT(セブン-イレブンカラー)~

Bought this during JP trip to NARA with my school. As it is not available outside JP, it becomes a very good souvenir for me.
  • Sprayed the joints with Gold (Silver > Clear Yellow.)
  • Grey on some parts for Colour Separation.
  • Matt Coated.
  • Seventh Airbrushed + Can Spray Plamo
Due to the Weight issue of its wings, I had to place the stand behind to support it

Friday, June 21, 2013


~HG GNT-0000 ダブルオークアンタ クリアカラーバージョン~

Bought this kit during AFA 2010. (If I'm not wrong, can't remember clearly)
Anyway, as it is a clear version Plamo, I can't do much with it too.

  • Black and silver on the black parts.
  • Clear Green on the lens.
  • Gloss coating over all parts.
Not much things to say about, Enjoy the photos!


~HG GN-011 ガンダムハルート~

  • Second Airbrushed Plamo.
  • Black paints can be scratched off easily. (Especially those on the GN Cannons)
Works done in 2013,
  • Repainted the GN cannon with Gun Metal (Leftover can spray)
  • Can sprayed Matt Coat.
  • Retook the photos again.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


~ HG AGE-2 ガンダムAGE-2 ノーマル~

From last work (MG Duel AS), 
I thought that I didn't have enough thickness for paint. But when I recall back the time when I'm painting, I know that I didn't spray too thin. So I went to find out the problem. And I found out that it's because of my top coat. Most probably should be the thinner ratio went wrong. As the matt paint and thinner are both clear colours, I might be adding too much thinner. Result in spraying thinner on my Plamo. 
  • Fifth Airbrushed Plamo.
  • Attempted Gradation method once again. (Practicing)
  • Carved more panel lines for details.
  • Minor modification. (Chest, shield, Rear Shirt Armour)
  • Changed the blue to custom purple colour.
  • Added some custom decals. (Testing)


~MG GAT-X102 デュエルガンダム アサルトシュラウド~

  • Fourth Airbrushed Plamo.
  • First time attempted to use the graduation method by airbrushing. 
  • Installed a micro led in the head.
  • Minor modification. (some small plaplate on the shield, chest, ankle armour)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

START!! スタート!!

Hello World!!

I will be starting this blog today, 15/06/2013, SG Time.
As you can see, this blog will be about my collection of Plamo and Figures.
I will be updating this blog every Saturday, most probably would be in the morning, SG Time.
You may see JP words somewhere, but no worry. It is just my interest, as I like JP a lot.
This Blog will be mostly in English. (Grammar mistakes maybe spotted, as I'm not really good in English. Hope you will be fine with it.)
I had updated two of my old models, one HG and one MG. Hope you will check them in the "GUNPLA" Tab. Will be uploading more of my old Plamo first.
Though not an expert in modelling yet, I will be trying to improve myself everyday.
If you have any comment or suggestion about my works, please use the comment box below the page!
Hope you will be looking for my future works!

Thank you!!