Saturday, June 22, 2013

Second Contact!

Hello World!

This is my second time updating this blog. I don't know how many people had came to look around, or maybe zero.
Anyway, I had updated my old works with photos that are taken again. You may see that the background of the photos is different from my Duel AS and AGE2, this is because I think that black background are difficult in taking Black coloured Plamo such as Blitz or Banshee.
Thought of using white colour, but any dirts or damages can be spotted easily. So, I decided to use blue as my new background.

My three Transformable MS!

I don't know how was my photos will look in your eyes, so if you had any suggestion in shooting angle, posing, etc. Please leave a comment!!

*You may notice why is there some small black spots on the corner of the photos. It's because my camera's sensor is not clean. I tried to clean it, but it just don't go. Hope you won't mind.

Thank you!!

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