Friday, December 20, 2013

It's break!

Finally it's my School Break! Finally I have something to update!
I know that apology won't help anything, so I will be trying to do as fast as possible to upload all my outdated stuffs.

Oh. By the way, I started a new Plamo.
It's YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE! From Frame Arms Series by Kotobukiya.
Official URL -

Comparison of the two heads
The basic form, Baselard completed!
Comparison of height with Gunpla, Though it's 1/100, it is a bit shorter than Red Frame.
It's setting height is 17m while Red Frame is 17.5m.
With the extended arms and two new weapons equiped, it's now called Zelfikar!

This is my first Frame Arms model. Been wanted to try it out a long time ago.
This is just an straight build. More WIP update will be coming!

MG Buster and HG Blue Astray SP ver. photos will be coming up soon too!

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