Monday, October 20, 2014


Hello World.
Started a new plamo kit, ZII, a few days ago. As usual, will be posting WIP of it.
Still remember the times when ZII is only available in GFF kits. I had been wishing to own one during that time, but the price was way higher than my budget.
Now, Bandai had finally released a HGUC Ver!! Though it was not the same design as the GFF ver, but it's alright!

Let's go into the WIP photos.
I think this post is more about how to remove the seam lines.

First, the leg armor. As the seam line is at the middle, I had decided to first cemented the armors together, and then use a etched-saw to saw it into what you see in the photo.
Although I could convert the seam line into panel line... Maybe I just don't like to have a line in the middle. 

Second, the shoulder armor. I guess there are a lot people finding about this. Because in some HGs kits, the shoulder armor are connected directly to the arm. If you had cemented the shoulder armor, you can never ever separate them anymore. 
What I did was using a etched-saw to saw the shoulder armor into 3 parts, where you can assembly them again after painting.

Alright, this is the side waist armor. The problem was that there is a gate mark beside the triangle feature, which is difficult to remove without damaging the triangle. 
As a result, I sanded the feature and the gate mark away together. (so how about the feature?!)

 No worry, I had cut some pla-plates to recreate the feature again, and some detail-up behind the armor.


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