Friday, January 31, 2014


SG is now in Chinese New Year mood, and we are busy celebrating! Yea, you are right. I'm Chinese.
Been so busy these few days, finally having some free time for update, everything in one post now.

TIME: 2 days before
Location: My School = NYP
Time: Around 12pm = Break
That day I'm having 3 hours break, so I brought my HG Victory Gundam to build.
Not been a lonely guy, just that my friends had no lesson except for me.
Btw,  Maki-Chan's(真姫ちゃん) Tin Case is temporary using as my outdoor toolbox.
Took some time to sharpen the V-fin.
Personally, I think that no matter what, the V-fin must be sharpen to show the coolness of Gundam Head.
Location: School Canteen
2 hours 30 minutes later.... Moved to my School Canteen. With All parts sanded and parting lines removed!
Time to take some photos!
The new generation HG line. If you are a person that collect Gunpla from past, I'm sure you will be impressed like me. If not, go take a old HG (Seed HG is enough) and compare both of them.
Location: Outside Lab
Location: Home = My Desk

TIME: 1 day before = Yesterday
It's Chinese New Year Eve!! Took some time to tidy my desk.
Cleaning of collection will be every Sunday, so skipped. *I like to clean my collections because I will feel happy every time I makes them clean. 
Addition of one 真姫ちゃん Microfibre Towel!! *Displaying as Tapetry
真姫ちゃん~~~ LOL

TIME: Today
Location: my Grandfather's Home
HG Wing Gundam!! Completion will be update on next post.

That's all!!
Lastly again, Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! 

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