Friday, February 7, 2014

StraightBuild HG Wing Gundam

Time flies, it's already 1 week after CNY.
My school semester had comes to an end too. Today is the last day of lesson. Yea! 
but it's not yet holiday... 2 weeks of break, then 3 exams are waiting for me to clear...
Anyway, I'm not too bad in studies, so I could still continue with my WIP Plamos during the break.

So today's Main Topic. HGAC Wing Gundam!!! One of the Coolest Gundam!! *Personal Preference
Basically this post will be somewhat a review of it.

Photo Time!!
BUSTER RIFLE!!!!!!!!!!!!
BEAM SABER!!!!!!!!!!!!
A wild GX appeared!! W vs X!! 


Playing with some unusual poses. Haha!
Going to customise this kit for my Mid Year Competition!!
Oh. Not to forget about my Exams too!
That's all for my HGAC WING GUNDAM!

By the way, I'm going to LoveLive Live Viewing!!
YEAH!!! (>_< )!!!
Though I hope I could go for the Live in JP...  Or come to SG for Live!! H.A.H.A... How is the possible..

Anyway, it's still fortunate that SG is able to have Live Viewing for it. It's not that common that a South-East Asia Country could have this kind of opportunity. Lucky I'm living in SG?! Haha!

That's all for today!!
See ya!!

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