Sunday, January 26, 2014

YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP04

Filled with epoxy putty~
Seems plain, so had some detail-up for it
Bought an optional part from WAVE to cover those visible PC parts on my FA
(Part no. 1) From this.... this
Comparison. Left: With  Right: Without
Same for the legs. Left: With  Right: Without
Didn't do for the PC at the feet because it will cause the joint to be unmovable.
Overall Test Shot. Just a bit more and it's done!!

Bought these yesterday. New Plamo!!
This year, SG is having a Mid-Year Competition, but with a restriction of "Only HG" is allowed.
So I decided to use Wing Gundam as my entry for it. Victory Gundam is just for collection as it is one of my most favorite Gundam. Haha.
Those Wing Effect are for my Future RG SF and Destiny. (I don't own any of them now... Lol..)

EXTRA News! 
MAKI!! XD Bought a Maki Case for....
....for my Cutter!! Hope this will reduce the speed of rust on it. (The Humidity LV in SG is too High!)

If you are asking why I chose Maki, I think you can find the answer in the "overall shot" Pic..... or even just look at the BG of this Blog! Haha!
Yea! A MAKI LOVER here!! XD

Stay tune for WIP05!

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