Friday, January 31, 2014


SG is now in Chinese New Year mood, and we are busy celebrating! Yea, you are right. I'm Chinese.
Been so busy these few days, finally having some free time for update, everything in one post now.

TIME: 2 days before
Location: My School = NYP
Time: Around 12pm = Break
That day I'm having 3 hours break, so I brought my HG Victory Gundam to build.
Not been a lonely guy, just that my friends had no lesson except for me.
Btw,  Maki-Chan's(真姫ちゃん) Tin Case is temporary using as my outdoor toolbox.
Took some time to sharpen the V-fin.
Personally, I think that no matter what, the V-fin must be sharpen to show the coolness of Gundam Head.
Location: School Canteen
2 hours 30 minutes later.... Moved to my School Canteen. With All parts sanded and parting lines removed!
Time to take some photos!
The new generation HG line. If you are a person that collect Gunpla from past, I'm sure you will be impressed like me. If not, go take a old HG (Seed HG is enough) and compare both of them.
Location: Outside Lab
Location: Home = My Desk

TIME: 1 day before = Yesterday
It's Chinese New Year Eve!! Took some time to tidy my desk.
Cleaning of collection will be every Sunday, so skipped. *I like to clean my collections because I will feel happy every time I makes them clean. 
Addition of one 真姫ちゃん Microfibre Towel!! *Displaying as Tapetry
真姫ちゃん~~~ LOL

TIME: Today
Location: my Grandfather's Home
HG Wing Gundam!! Completion will be update on next post.

That's all!!
Lastly again, Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year! 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP04.5 FINALLY!!

After so many days of building, bit by bit everyday.....
Finally entering the Priming Stage!!

Painting!! YEA~~
Last Shot Before Priming!

Sunday, January 26, 2014

YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP04

Filled with epoxy putty~
Seems plain, so had some detail-up for it
Bought an optional part from WAVE to cover those visible PC parts on my FA
(Part no. 1) From this.... this
Comparison. Left: With  Right: Without
Same for the legs. Left: With  Right: Without
Didn't do for the PC at the feet because it will cause the joint to be unmovable.
Overall Test Shot. Just a bit more and it's done!!

Bought these yesterday. New Plamo!!
This year, SG is having a Mid-Year Competition, but with a restriction of "Only HG" is allowed.
So I decided to use Wing Gundam as my entry for it. Victory Gundam is just for collection as it is one of my most favorite Gundam. Haha.
Those Wing Effect are for my Future RG SF and Destiny. (I don't own any of them now... Lol..)

EXTRA News! 
MAKI!! XD Bought a Maki Case for....
....for my Cutter!! Hope this will reduce the speed of rust on it. (The Humidity LV in SG is too High!)

If you are asking why I chose Maki, I think you can find the answer in the "overall shot" Pic..... or even just look at the BG of this Blog! Haha!
Yea! A MAKI LOVER here!! XD

Stay tune for WIP05!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP03.5

Quick Update!
WIP 3.5! Continue from yesterday...
Nothing special, just removed the excess putty.
See ya!

Monday, January 20, 2014

YSX-24RD/NE Zelfikar/NE - WIP03

What I've done this few days:
1. Sanding to flat surface
2. Some minor Sujibori (panel line scribing)
3. Filling some hollow parts with putty or pla-plate.
Overall Test Shot.  Btw, the yellow part is the clone part I mentioned last time.
Filling... Filling....
Before > After
Simple filling for the knee armor.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's Here!!

As predicted, it arrived my house this evening!!

Though it's a bit late, still, it is delivered within today. 
Things in the Box!

Will introduce/review the tool now!
First! Magic File from Sujiborido!
As the #800 with holder is sold out, I bought two #600 with holder and one pack of #800.
One pack of file+holder comes with 5pcs of files
One pack of refilling file have 24pcs of files.

And both cost the Same price!! So what?
One holder = 19pcs of files?!
Also, I realize buying in this way is much more cheaper. Anyway, I will be using more #800 than #600.
This is the Magic File.
It gave me a shock as it is totally different from those files I used before. 
It doesn't give the feel that it is a sandpaper. Hmmm.... How should I describe it... feels like plastic?

The white side is the back of it, which is the Velcro side.
Look at how thin it is!!
Even though it has the file side and the Velcro side, its thickness is still as thin as normal sandpaper!
This is the (expensive) holder.
Basically the shape is similar to those other companies sandpaper holders. 
So what's so Special about this? 
YES! The Velcro!

I really like the Velcro because it is really good in Quality! It is quite rarely to see such thin Velcro yet it can perform better than normal Velcro we see outside (Within SG :P).
This is how it looks like when they are "taped".
(Photo Source from Sujiborido Web)
And I have 24pcs of #800!! I can use them for a long time of period!!
End of the MAGIC FILE~
Next! Sand Stick? from Sujiborido again!
Should I call it Sand Stick? Because it is Sandpaper taped onto a piece of 1mm thick wood (Not sure what wood it is). Normal Sand Stick should be taped onto a thick paper/cardboard if I'm not wrong.
(Once Again, Photo Source from Sujiborido Web)
It can be cut into any shapes to compensate with the part you are working on.
Bought #400 x1, #600 x3, #800 x3, #1000 x2. Each pack comes with 5pcs, and both sides can be used.
You maybe thinking why did I buy so much?

One Tip for you if you shops online too.
If you are ordering something, and you know you will need them again when you finish using it, just order a few of them at once (of course, when your savings allows...)! 
As shipping fees are really expensive, it is better to order them together rather then having another order again next time.
BMC Tagane! 0.5mm!! I think I don't have to explain much for this..
Oh, New Item! From HIQ Parts!
It's drop bottle for airbrushing paints. Each bottle comes will a glass ball for mixing purposes.
Basically I bought this for those common paint usually use, such as gloss black or surfacer. To speed up for painting!! 
Took this photo because of how detailed it is.
It stated clearly that the PE Cap is made in China, while the PE Bottle and Glass Ball is made in Japan. Lol.
No explanation needed for this as well I think.

So this is all about the tools I ordered!! Mainly, I ordered this was for the Magic File and File Stick.
Because I found that I always can't achieve a flat surface when I'm sanding, which lead to a round edged surface.
I know there are still other methods which can achieve a flat surface. But I found these two tools and they are really suitable to resolve my problem.
I feel so lucky and fortunate to born in this era where companies comes out with a lot of readily tools for us to purchase. Thanks!!

End of review!! Is it a bit long? Haha.
Now I can continue with my Frame Arm!!

Oh. Btw, How was the new look of the blog?? Does it causes any problem in reading?
Just comment anything below if you have anything to say!

See you!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

One more Day?!

Still remember I said that I ordered something from HobbySearch??


I think I will receive it tmr afternoon or evening!! Yea!
A small update of today stuffs.
Sorted and cleaned those use finished bottles.
Cleaned my shelves and reorganized my Comics.

That's all!!
~The END~

Sunday, January 5, 2014

School... again

My school will be starting tmr, and studying again..
Will be pausing my modelling for a moment, until my tools from HobbySearch arrive. Without those tools, I can't start my modelling properly... (Faster HobbySearch! Faster!)

Anyway, HobbySearch said that they will be back on 06/01, which is tmr!
I think I would be able to receive it by the end of this week, or the start of the following week.

So.. Bye! Next post will be when it comes!