Sunday, April 19, 2015

Went & Return.

Hello World!
I had not update this blog for almost 2 weeks.. ?
Reason = I went to JP for 2 weeks Holidays!!

I apologize that I didn't mention anything about the trip before, and not update about it during the trip.

Anyway Anyway, Sightseeing, Shopping, Playing, in JP,
I'm now back in SG again, arrived just this morning..
Alright, will be just showing what I bought there. (of course this isn't all)

Some Painting Tools..
Sanding Tools
Empty Sphere Bottle and micro powder for metallic/[pearl painting.
Wire for RopeWork.
Not forgetting the limited goods.. Two introducing books.
Clear Files and Post Cards..
All the Gunpla I bought. 
DIY your own Mechanical pencil!! Found it interesting.
This seems like a tools that is able to catch the plastic dust during sanding..
Review coming.
HANAYAMATA Enoden Train!

Of course, with many other Local Souvenirs and Anime Goods!!
Alright, I will end this post here. Review of some of the tools maybe updating tmr!

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