Saturday, September 26, 2015


Hello World!
Updating with my latest build, MG Aegis Gundam!
In fact, I actually had it straight built for quite a long time before.
The reason why it was not paint is because that I didn't had any idea for it.

Then recently, I wanted to test out with candy painting.
And I wanted to know what's the result if I have a silver base with shaded, then I have a clear color coated.

and the result is out! 
  • Twenty-Three Airbrushed
  • No satisfaction rating as this's just for experiment

I apologize for not much photos, because I didn't want to spend too much time on it. I have limited time now, have to plan it wisely... I guess
Lastly, a group photo with my painted GAT-X series. 
The Athrun Team has finally completed! 

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