Thursday, November 20, 2014


  • Thirteen Airbrushed Plamo
Added details at those hidden areas

I guess you should be thinking why is there no photo for MS form.
Reason - decided to make a display model of the WaveRider form, so there will be no changing of pose. Which makes MS form meaningless.

The base was bought from Daiso SG, originally from the "collection display case". I had sprayed Gloss Black and polished it to "mirror" finishing. Unfortunately, there are scratches on the base. Although I've thought of re-polishing it, I decided to leave it and give myself a failed example. So that I could refer back and not making the same mistakes again.

Applying those experiences from past works, there's no more paint chipping problem and paint thickness problem had reduced significantly. I guess I've got the hang of thinning the paints for airbrushing.
Remember the Messiah Valkyrie experiment? All the ducts are painted with Tamiya Enamel German Grey. Almost minor masking had done on this work.


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